My Dog Ate a Contact Lens: What to Do?


Dogs are adventurous and explorers. They want to try anything and everything that comes their way. From human medicines, poop, chocolates to plastic and soap, they are experts in eating things that they are not allowed to. One such thing is a contact lens. They would gobble these down and you won’t even know that … Read more

11 Common Reasons Your Dog Keep Looking at the Ceiling


You love your canine so much and even prefer to spend most of your time with them. In the past few days or so, however, you’ve noticed something strange about them – your dog keeps staring at the ceiling! It’s one thing that’s likely to stir up more questions than answers. Why is your dog … Read more

My Dog Ate a Bath Bomb: What to Do?


When you choose to become a paw parent, you indirectly agree to face all the ups and downs that come along with being one. Dogs bring happiness into our lives, and there’s no doubt about that. However, they also usher into our lives additional responsibilities, like ensuring that they only eat what’s healthy for them. … Read more

My Dog Ate a Meat Pad: What To Do?


Dogs are from the same family as wolves, foxes, and other canine animals. However, due to adaptations and domestication, they can eat raw meat and almost every food humans eat. Our canine companions can have a heightened sense of smell, making it is very easy for them to know when new items or people come … Read more

My Dog Ate A Reusable Ice Cube. What To Do?


So you’ve been using reusable ice cubes because they are healthier, more budget-friendly, and won’t water down your drink like the variety we’ve for many years stocked in our freezers—well done! However, you just noticed that your dog ate one or several reusable ice cubes, probably thinking that they were a new treat! It’s the … Read more

My Dog Ate A Fleece Blanket: What To Do?


If you are a dog owner, you should expect your dog to chew through different items in your home. Putting food out for them in their favorite bowls does not deter them from shredding items around the house. Dogs are lovely and naughty. They can chew absolutely anything, including fleece blankets. Having an adventurous canine … Read more

My Dog Ate A Sticky Mouse Trap: What To Do?


Dogs are curious creatures and usually want to meddle in everything that happens in your home. That includes your efforts to chase rats out of the house with sticky mouse traps. What attracts dogs to mouse traps? Sticky mouse traps, also called glue boards, are usually scented to attract mice. Often, we may decide to … Read more

My Dog Ate a Nerf Bullet: What To Do? (Signs To Check)


If you are a dog owner, then it’s likely you have noticed that dogs love to explore things, and especially with their mouths. Unfortunately, most of the time, canines don’t make the best choice of what to put in their mouth and what not to, and that more often causes trouble. This time, your canine … Read more

My Dog Ate a Bag of Mini Snickers – What Can I Do?


Not many joys of life beat that of having a dog. Your furry friend makes a perfect friend who will be on your side, even when no one else seems to. And what other way is there to replicate that other than showing your dog love? So you’ve been doing that— offering healthy foods, regular … Read more

My Dog Ate A Muffin Wrapper: What Should I Do?


Our dogs find muffins yummy as much as we do. With their great sense of smell and desperate quick feet, most dogs will lay their paws on any muffins left unattended. All you need to do is simply take your eyes away. Unfortunately, our smart flurry friends are yet to figure out how to differentiate … Read more