15 Breathtaking Birds With Red Necks (+ Pics)

Birds with red necks have long been considered the ultimate symbol of passion and flair. Their fiery plumage is like a beacon in the sky, drawing the eye and sparking a sense of wonder in all who behold it. From the scarlet macaw to the cardinal, these birds are not just a delight to look at, they’re also fascinating creatures with unique personalities and quirky habits.

Whether you’re a seasoned birdwatcher or simply have a love for all things feathered, buckle up for an exciting journey into the world of birds with red necks. You won’t want to miss a single feathery detail!


15 Amazing Birds With Red Necks That Actually Exist

1. Domestic Turkey

The domestic turkey is a large bird that is native to North America and is widely farmed for its meat and feathers. It is a domesticated subspecies of the wild turkey and has been bred for thousands of years for its size, meat, and eggs.

The turkey is known for its distinctive red neck, which is more prominent in male birds. This colorful feature is a result of a combination of pigments in the skin and is a sexually selected trait that is used to attract mates and establish dominance among males. The red neck is an important part of the turkey’s anatomy and serves as an important visual cue for other birds.

2. Scarlet Macaw

The Scarlet Macaw is a large, brightly colored parrot native to Central and South America, known for its long tail feathers and red, yellow, and blue plumage. It is a highly intelligent and social bird that forms strong bonds with its mates and travels in flocks, producing a variety of vocalizations.

The species is facing challenges such as habitat destruction, illegal trade, and hunting for its feathers, and is considered a vulnerable species. This animal remains a magnificent and beloved bird, captivating people with its beauty and intelligence.

3. Firethroat

The Firethroat is a brightly colored bird species known for its vibrant red neck. This striking feature sets it apart from other birds in its habitat and makes it a popular target for bird watchers. The Firethroat is also known for its melodious songs, which it uses to establish territory and attract mates.

This bird is found in several countries across Southeast Asia and has adapted to a range of environments, from forests to grasslands. Despite its beauty and popularity, the Firethroat faces a number of threats, including habitat destruction and capture for the pet trade. Conservation efforts are underway to protect this iconic species and ensure its survival for future generations.

4. Purple-throated Fruitcrow

The Purple-throated Fruitcrow is a species of bird found in the tropical forests of Central and South America. This bird is easily recognizable by its striking dark red throat, which contrasts sharply with its black plumage. The Purple-throated Fruitcrow is primarily a frugivorous bird, feeding on a variety of fruits and berries.

Furthermore, it is an important seed disperser in its forest habitat, helping to maintain healthy ecosystems.

5. Magnificent Frigatebird (male)

The male Magnificent Frigatebird is a seabird species found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. This bird is most easily recognized by its unique, inflatable red throat pouch, which it uses to attract mates. During breeding season, the male Magnificent Frigatebird will puff up its pouch and make a series of honking calls to attract a female.

The bird’s glossy black plumage and long, narrow wingspan also add to its striking appearance. In addition to its impressive courtship displays, the Magnificent Frigatebird is also a skilled hunter, feeding on fish and squid that it snatches from the ocean’s surface.

6. Southern Ground Hornbill

The Southern Ground Hornbill is a large bird species native to sub-Saharan Africa. It stands out with its unique appearance, including its black feathers and striking red neck and throat. But it’s their distinctive, loud calls and long beaks that make them easily recognizable.

Urgent conservation actions, such as protecting their habitats and implementing breeding programs, are necessary to save this one-of-a-kind bird and its important role in the ecosystem.

7. Red-necked Grebe

The Red-necked Grebe is a beautiful waterbird species found in North America and Eurasia. It is easily recognizable by its distinctive reddish neck, which it displays during courtship. This duck is a strong swimmer and diver, feeding on small fish and other aquatic prey.

During the breeding season, the birds build floating nests and engage in elaborate courtship displays, including calling, head nodding, and displaying their red necks. They are migratory species, traveling long distances to winter in coastal areas.

8. Ruby-throated Hummingbird

The Ruby-throated Hummingbird is a small bird species found in North America. As its name suggests, it is best known for its iridescent ruby-red throat. These tiny birds are highly adapted to their nectar-feeding lifestyle, with their rapid wing beats allowing them to hover in front of flowers and extract nectar with their long beaks.

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are also capable of making long migrations, flying up to 2,000 kilometers each way between their breeding and wintering grounds. Despite their small size, these birds are known for their feisty personalities and will defend their feeding territories aggressively.

9. European Robin

The robin’s stunning reddish tie is undoubtedly its most striking characteristic. However, any bird lover is attracted to it by its sweet singing. Always in pursuit of warmth, it travels from northern Europe to central Asia and ultimately to the Maghreb. It is also found in the Canary Islands and the British Isles.

The robin behaves less suspiciously of humans than other birds. It may be for this reason why it is shown in several historical periods, including Viking mythology, the French Middle Ages, and the Roman Empire.

10. Northern Cardinal

North America is home to the brilliant Northern Cardinal. Its vivid red coloring and prominent crest make it easy to identify. Especially remarkable is the male Northern Cardinal, which has a black mask-like face and vivid red feathers. These birds frequently use backyard bird feeders where they consume seeds along with suet and fruits.

Northern Cardinals are well-known for their melodic songs, which they use to communicate and entice partners in addition to their food-seeking behavior.

11. Red-necked Woodpecker

The Red-necked Woodpecker is a species of bird found in North America. It is easily recognizable by its distinctive red head and neck, and its black and white striped back. It has a length of up to 30 cm and a wingspan of up to 46 cm. This bird feeds mainly on insects, which it excavates from dead and rotting wood, and also eats fruit and nuts.

The Red-necked Woodpecker is a cavity-nesting species, meaning that it builds its nest in holes in trees. The bird is a year-round resident in much of its range and is a common sight in forests and wooded areas.

12. Red-necked Phalarope

The Red-necked Phalarope is a unique and fascinating shorebird species that can be found on the open ocean. The females of the species are particularly striking, with their brighter blue-gray plumage and bold reddish neck, making them easily distinguishable from the males.

During the breeding season, the females engage in intense battles to secure a mate, displaying their striking coloration and athleticism. After mating, the female takes no part in raising the young and often seeks out another mate to lay another clutch of eggs. Despite its small size, the Red-necked Phalarope is a resilient bird.

13. Red-necked Tanager

The Red-necked Tanager is a striking and colorful bird species native to Central and South America. This species is known for its vibrant plumage, with a striking red head and neck, black back and wings, and a yellow underbelly.

The Red-necked Tanager is a medium-sized bird, growing up to 18 cm in length and weighing around 35 g. It is a fruit-eating bird, with a diet consisting primarily of fruits, insects, and small lizards.

The Red-necked Tanager is found in a variety of habitats, including lowland forests, secondary forests, and edges of clearings. This species is also a strong flier and is known for its lively and active behavior.

14. Bare-necked Umbrellabird

By MauricioCalderon – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=32937945

The Bare-necked Umbrellabird is a remarkable bird species native to Central and South America, known for its impressive size and visually striking appearance. This bird species inhabits the lush lowland and montane forests of Central and South America, where it feeds mainly on fruit but will also supplement its diet with insects and small vertebrates.

The Bare-necked Umbrellabird is renowned for its impressive courtship display, where it puffs out its crest and makes deep, booming calls, showcasing its beauty and power.

15. Red-breasted Meadowlark

The Red-breasted Thrush is a striking bird species that is found across Central and South America. This medium-sized passerine, measuring just under 20 cm, boasts a distinctive appearance. The male has a black head, back, flanks, belly, and tail, and its underparts from the throat to the chest are a vibrant red color.

Also, the male’s wing also displays a red patch on the shoulder, which becomes more visible during flight. In their courtship displays, the male thrushes make grand exhibitions by singing and performing vertical flights. This bird species thrives in savannah and grassland environments, as well as in cultivated lands including rice fields.

In conclusion, these red-necked birds are a diverse group of avian species that range from songbirds to shorebirds and woodpeckers. With their striking red necks and unique behaviors, these birds add beauty and excitement to the natural world.

Despite facing threats such as habitat loss and hunting, many conservation efforts are underway to protect and preserve these fascinating creatures for future generations to enjoy.

Disclaimer: This blog should not be considered as being professional pet medical advice. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. Please always consult with a licensed and local veterinarian for medical advice.

About Shaun Clarke

Shaun is passionate about pets and animals, especially dogs, cats, and rabbits. He owns a dog and a couple of cats too. He loves visiting wildlife sanctuaries and shares a strong bond with animals. When he is not writing, he loves to do a barbecue in the backyard with his family and friends.