Can Goats Eat Strawberries? (And Strawberry Leaves?)

If you have a pet goat, there must be instances when you wanted to give them a delicious little treat. Goats are not fussy when it comes to eating different foods but the problem arises with particular foods that are not suitable for them to eat.

If you’ve ever wondered whether you can give your goat some strawberries, this article will clear all your doubts. So, can goats eat strawberries? Yes, not only are strawberries suitable for goats to eat, but they are in fact very nutritious. Read on to know all about feeding strawberries to goats.


Can You Feed Strawberries to Goats?

Yes, you can feed strawberries to goats.

However, you should only feed strawberries to your goat as an occasional treat. You must already know that the best thing to feed a goat is fodder. Moreover, goats don’t cause any fuss while eating fodder and can digest it without any problems.

When it comes to highly nutritious treats like strawberries, goats might find it difficult to digest them as they have a high amount of sugar. Additionally, strawberries and other fruits are not enough to deliver all the nutrients that a goat needs from its diet.

The best way to ensure that your goat gets all the nutrients they need is by replicating their natural dietary habits. Therefore, if you want to incorporate strawberries into your goat’s diet, you should keep them reserved as a special treat.

Can Baby Goats Eat Strawberries?

Baby goats can eat strawberries after a certain point.

You might have already guessed that it is a bad idea to feed strawberries to infant goats. For the first few months, baby goats cannot eat anything other than their mother’s milk. So, feeding them strawberries or any other food is out of the question.

After two to three months, as baby goats start weaning, you can think of feeding strawberries to them. However, their digestive systems are not fully developed even at this stage. As a result, baby goats cannot digest solid foods as well as adult goats can.

So, if you want to feed strawberries to your pet baby goats, make sure to chop them into small, bite-sized pieces. This will also ensure that they can chew the strawberry pieces with ease. Also, don’t forget to properly rinse the strawberries before feeding them.

Lastly, the same rule as adult goats applies here – strawberries can only be given to baby goats as an occasional treat and should not replace their usual diet of fodder.

Health Benefits of Feeding Strawberries to Goats

You now know that it is perfectly safe to feed strawberries to your goats. But you might be wondering what the benefits of feeding strawberries to your goats are. Strawberries are one of the healthiest foods for both goats and humans alike. Here’s why:

  • Firstly, strawberries have high water content and will keep your goat hydrated. This has numerous benefits for goats such as maintaining their heart health, improving digestion, boosting their activity levels, strengthening their immune system, etc.
  • Strawberries are also loaded with vitamin E, vitamin C, and vitamin K. Vitamin E helps goats in improving their reproductive health, aids better lactation, helps in strengthening their muscles, and even prevents certain types of cancer.
  • Vitamin C helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases in goats, boosts their immune system, and helps to increase their bone density. Vitamin K, on the other hand, is extremely important for goats but provides benefits like strengthening their immunity.
  • Strawberries are also good sources of antioxidants, fiber, folic acid, and minerals like manganese, potassium, and calcium. Folic acid helps to create and repair DNA as well as improves the function of many organs.
  • Antioxidants are beneficial for goats as they help improve their liver and kidney health, strengthen their immunity, and improve reproductive functioning.
  • Fiber is one of the most important nutrients that goats need, especially as infants or during pregnancy. Fiber helps to improve their digestive functioning, helps with producing milk, and aids the lactation and pregnancy period for female goats.
  • Potassium helps goats to maintain a healthy level of fluid balance in their body and improves their metabolism.
  • Calcium helps to strengthen the bones. Some more benefits of calcium are controlling blood pressure and maintaining a healthy body weight.
  • Lastly, strawberries are a good source of manganese. It is beneficial for goats as it helps to strengthen their bones, aids the production of enzymes, and improves their reproductive functioning.

Can Goats Eat Cranberries?

Yes, goats can eat cranberries.

But like we mentioned before, any fruits and vegetables like strawberries and cranberries should be fed to goats in moderation. However, this does not mean that cranberries are unhealthy. In fact, cranberries have a range of health benefits.

Cranberries can help improve your goats’ digestion, clears out their urinary tract, strengthen their bones and teeth, prevents inflammation, maintain their weight, and even help in reducing the risk of certain types of cancer.

Can Goats Eat Raspberries?

Yes, goats can eat raspberries.

Once again, you must remember that raspberries can only be fed to goats in moderation. But even as a treat, raspberries have many health benefits for goats.

Raspberries are highly nutritious and aid in strengthening your goat’s immune system, increasing the count of red blood cells, preventing inflammation, maintaining blood sugar, and even improving muscle health.

Can Goats Eat Strawberry Tops?

Yes, goats can eat strawberry tops.

In fact, goats take a liking to eat strawberry tops and other leafy greens. Not only are the strawberry top leaves safe for goats to eat, but they are better suited to goats’ diet.

But before you feed strawberry tops to your goat, make sure they are thoroughly washed. This will prevent your goat from ingesting any chemicals and pesticides.

Can Goats Eat Strawberry Leaves?

Yes, goats can eat strawberry leaves.

If you are familiar with the natural eating habits of goats, it should not be unusual to see goats trying to munch on strawberry leaves. So, the next time you catch your goats eating strawberry leaves, there is no need for you to be concerned.

However, make sure that you spray the leaves with water before you let your goats eat them. This will keep them safe from ingesting any possible germs, and pesticides.

Can Goats Eat Strawberry Plants?

Yes, goats can eat strawberry plants.

All parts of the strawberry plant, including the leaves, strawberry top, and the fruit itself is safe for goats to eat. Some goats even tend to go for the strawberry leaves and top instead of the fruit.

This is not a cause of concern because the natural diet of goats incorporates small plants and leaves. However, make sure that you wash the plants’ leaves and fruit before you let your goat munch on them.

How To Feed Strawberries to the Goats?

Now that you know everything about feeding strawberries to goats, you might be wondering – what is the right way to feed strawberries to goats? Well, as you might have guessed, we have the answer you are looking for.

If you are feeding strawberries to your goat for the first time, you need to make a gradual introduction. As goats are used to their natural diet of fodder and leaves, strawberries and other sugary foods can be difficult for them to digest at first.

Goats have a sensitive digestive system, which is why you should begin by feeding them small pieces of strawberries. Moreover, strawberries usually have a slightly sour taste which goats might not be used to.

So, once your goat begins to get the hang of strawberries, you can gradually feed them an entire piece of strawberry without any hesitancy. But you must remember that strawberries should be given to them as a treat (around 3 to 4 strawberries and not a primary food item.

Feeding your goat too many strawberries can cause digestive problems as it does not resemble their natural eating habits. Additionally, your goats might get used to the sweet flavor of strawberries and start rejecting their usual feed of fodder and leaves.

Although you might assume that this poses no risk, it can lead to malnutrition. It is true that strawberries are healthy but they are not enough to meet all of the dietary requirements that goats have.

Moreover, strawberries have a higher sugar content than the foods that goats usually consume. Goats do not need much sugar in their diet, which is another reason why feeding them too many strawberries can pose a risk. So, you must feed your goats fodder and leaves along with vegetables and fruits like strawberries.

When it comes to how you are supposed to feed strawberries to your goats, we suggest chopping them into small pieces. This is essential if your goats are young but can also help adult goats in chewing the fruit more easily.

Moreover, make sure to check whether the strawberries you feed them are fresh. Feeding strawberries with mold on them can cause problems like an upset stomach, vomiting, digestive issues, etc. And the most important part – do not feed more than one or two strawberries to your goats per day.

Final Thoughts

We hope that after reaching the end of this article, all your questions about feeding strawberries to your goat were answered. Strawberries are one of the healthiest foods that you could feed your goat.

But be cautious before giving your goat too many strawberries because they can cause digestive problems in large quantities. To make sure that you replicate your goats’ natural diet habits, feed them only one or two strawberries as an occasional treat.

Disclaimer: This blog should not be considered as being professional pet medical advice. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. Please always consult with a licensed and local veterinarian for medical advice.

About Shaun Clarke

Shaun is passionate about pets and animals, especially dogs, cats, and rabbits. He owns a dog and a couple of cats too. He loves visiting wildlife sanctuaries and shares a strong bond with animals. When he is not writing, he loves to do a barbecue in the backyard with his family and friends.