Do Foxes Eat Hawks? (Answered)

With over 8.7 million types of animals living on earth, it is essential to learn the interdependence of these creatures. Some are omnivores feeding on plants and other animals; others are herbivores feeding on plants, while others are carnivores feeding on other animals. Foxes are classified as omnivores feeding on plants and other animals, but the big question is, do foxes eat hawks?

This is among the top commonly asked questions that need to be answered. Fortunately, this article is a detailed guide to help you know whether foxes eat hawks alongside other creatures that foxes will prey on. Dig in!


Does a Fox Eat a Hawk?

Yes, foxes eat hawks’ eggs and young hawks. Typically, foxes are omnivorous and are fast to feed on any helpless animal they spot, including rodents, rabbits, earthworms, frogs, and other creatures such as hawks. When a fox spots a helpless baby hawk, it gets an opportunity to feast.

Most people think that foxes feed on rabbits and other rodents, but they technically feed on various foods. Foxes generally have an omnivorous feeding habit and feed on birds, eggs, small mammals, worms, crabs, fish, vegetables, berries, carrion, and fungi. However, their dietary preference will differ in different seasons depending on their species and food availability.

Foxes are known to be successful in various environments since they quickly learn how to adapt to these environments. They quickly change their diet depending on the season. For instance, foxes feed on rodents such as earthworms and mice during spring.

Similarly, these creatures feed on various summer insects, including crickets, grasshoppers, beetles, and frogs. On the other hand, foxes feed on fruits such as apples, raspberries, and blueberries during the fall.

Do Red Foxes Eat Hawks?

Yes, although red foxes are well-known for eating small rodents, insects, and reptiles, these creatures also eat hawks. Red foxes mostly target hawks since they are easy to prey on. Generally, they are known for killing and eating adult hawks.

Red foxes are agile and fast compared to hawks, making them easily target hawks for a fast meal. Typically, red foxes attack hawks by suffocating them and biting their throat or neck.

There are rare cases of hawks killing red foxes. This typically happens when a hawk is surprised and can defend itself against the fox.


Do Foxes Eat Groundhogs?

Yes, groundhogs run slowly and are easily confused about running to their dens when they find danger. Thus, as aggressive omnivore creatures, foxes take this advantage to prey on these animals.

Foxes are generally fast and agile compared to groundhogs. When a fox searching for food comes across a groundhog, it will devise an attacking mechanism to kill these animals to make them their meal.

Foxes mostly hunt for groundhogs at dusk and dawn. They stalk them using their great hearing ability and punching approach, enabling them to kill their prey with much ease. Also, they listen to groundhogs moving underground in the ground and dig and pouch to get them.

Other times, foxes run after groundhogs until they catch them. Nonetheless, they are generally faster than their prey and easily catch them with less hassle. They later use their pouching and suffocating technique to kill these creatures and make them their meal.

Do Foxes Eat Snakes?

Yes, foxes love eating snakes; whether carcasses or live snakes they come across and hunt them. Foxes are known to eat almost anything, including birds, seeds, fruits, and, if you least expect it, snakes. These creatures are fond of eating snakes, but snakes aren’t their main meal.

However, although foxes aren’t selective about the food they eat, they specifically feed on certain snakes. Typically, no fox will eat aggressive and venomous snakes. They find the process of catching these snakes quite risky and prefer substituting them with birds and rodents in their surroundings.

Nonetheless, hunting and stealthy foxes find garter snakes as their suitable prey. Although these snakes are quite fast and bite easily, foxes easily target them as their delicacy. Generally, foxes easily achieve this since garter snakes prefer lying and resting in the sun during the foxes’ active hunting period.

Further, foxes also eat dead snakes. This may sound gross, but these creatures are real scavengers! Whether they naturally died or were killed, foxes enjoy eating them up, even if it was another animal’s meal.

Do Foxes Eat Ferrets?

Yes, foxes prey on black-footed ferrets. Although ferrets are well-known predators on their own, foxes and some other predators often prey on these creatures. Hungry foxes stalk ferrets, attack them, and eat them as a meal.

There are rare scenarios of foxes eating ferrets. Ferrets have great hiding mechanisms against predators and quickly run for their safety after sensing danger. However, a starving fox will use al the possible tactics to attack these creatures and enjoy eating them as a meal.

Do Foxes Eat Turtles?

Yes, foxes opportunistically eat turtle eggs and hatchlings. Although large turtles appear as more peaceful creatures, they will swim as if flying when they sense a threat. This makes them easily escape foxes, but foxes can attack them when they are unprepared.

However, foxes use their great sniffing senses to detect defenseless turtle hatchings and eggs. Later, they dig up the turtle’s nests, find their vulnerable hatchlings and eggs, and find them a proper meal. If a turtle is present at this time, it will escape to the nearby waterbody to save its life.

Do Foxes Eat Fish?

Yes, although fish swim fast in water than foxes, foxes can find an opportunity to catch fish in ponds and eat them as meal. Mostly, foxes wade shallow water to catch fish. However, few cases of foxes getting into ponds to catch fish.

Foxes will only enter ponds to catch fish when starving, and there is no immediate alternative. They will rather dig in trash to look for food than get wet hunting for fish in the water. Foxes will only be tempted to catch fish in water on a shallow pond and starve.

Do Foxes Eat Raccoons?

Yes, although raccoons and foxes share the same ecological niche as scavengers and predators, foxes will eat raccoons when an opportunity presents itself. Foxes are high-profile predators who hunt for raccoons. Fox uses urine as a repellant against raccoons.

Nonetheless, foxes attack young and small raccoons when they spot them. They attack these defenseless creatures by biting their throat to kill them and later feast on them. However, there are no noted cases of foxes attacking adult raccoons, as they are almost equally defensive to each other.

Do Foxes Eat Rats?

Yes, foxes eat rats and other rodents. Rats are generally part of their main meal. Foxes are omnivores feeding on plants and meat and meet their protein needs from meat.

Foxes easily target rats and mice due to their tiny size. After catching them, they take a swift, large bite and find themselves with a delicacy. Also, since rats are small and light-weighted, foxes carry them back to their den for safe eating, feeding their kits, or storing them as a later food source.

Rats and mice have an advantage over foxes due to their ability to scale fences and walls. However, foxes are unquestionably agile creatures and can climb trees following their prey. Rats and mice only have an advantage over foxes because they can penetrate tiny spaces.

Also, foxes can use their semi-retractable claws to reach and pull the space where these rodents live.

Do Foxes Eat Skunks?

Yes, foxes eat skunks. However, foxes are wise creatures and will not eat a dead skunk due to the unwelcoming scent. Foxes will attack and kill a live skunk and make it their meal.

During desperation, hunger, and a low food supply, foxes have no alternative to preying on skunks. At this time, foxes will risk being covered with the nasty-smelling liquid.

Foxes may also prey on skunks in desperate times since both creatures are nocturnal. Thus, foxes find skunks more available than other food sources, which they will risk getting out during the day to hunt.

Nonetheless, suppose you have seen a fox feeding on a skunk. In that case, it has been immediately killed by a larger predator, a vehicle, or a human or died of a natural cause of death, as opportunistic scavengers will enjoy feasting on carrion.

What Else do Foxes Eat?

In addition to hawks, rats, snakes, groundhogs, fish, raccoons, and skunks, foxes are agile predators that prey on many animals to meet their dietary requirements. Other things and animals that foxes eat include:

  • Frogs
  • Birds
  • Carrions
  • Earthworms
  • Pigeons
  • Crabs
  • Berries
  • Vegetables
  • Mollusks
  • Small mammals

What Other Animals Eat Hawks?

Although hawks are well-known aggressive predators who scour for prey on lamp posts and treetops, foxes and other predators will prey on them. However, hawks will be rarely predated due to their strength and strong flying ability.

Nonetheless, here are other animals that eat hawks:

  • Larger hawks
  • Eagles
  • Snakes
  • Owls
  • Raccoons

Bottom Line

The topic of the interrelationship and dependency of creatures in the ecological system is fascinating and enjoyable to focus on. From animals predating on other aggressive creatures for survival and others being preyed on, it helps us understand how animals live in the wilderness.

Thankfully, we have answered the question do foxes eat hawks alongside other things that foxes eat and other animals that eat hawks — have fun learning about the relationships of other animals!

Disclaimer: This blog should not be considered as being professional pet medical advice. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. Please always consult with a licensed and local veterinarian for medical advice.

About Shaun Clarke

Shaun is passionate about pets and animals, especially dogs, cats, and rabbits. He owns a dog and a couple of cats too. He loves visiting wildlife sanctuaries and shares a strong bond with animals. When he is not writing, he loves to do a barbecue in the backyard with his family and friends.