My Dog Ate a Bath Bomb: What to Do?

When you choose to become a paw parent, you indirectly agree to face all the ups and downs that come along with being one. Dogs bring happiness into our lives, and there’s no doubt about that. However, they also usher into our lives additional responsibilities, like ensuring that they only eat what’s healthy for them.

So it just happened that your dog mistook a bath bomb for a tasty treat. You are afraid it might cause dire consequences to your canine. Well, this article is just for you! It will cover everything you ever wanted to know about dogs eating bath bombs. Keep following to learn more!


What Should You Do If Your Dog Ate a Bath Bomb?

After your dog eats a bath bomb, you usually need to monitor them closely for any signs. Where the consequences are severe and don’t resolve after 24 hours, contact the vet for professional help. The dog doctor will suggest the next course of action depending on the severity of the conditions.

Dogs with pre-existing medical conditions can develop issues even from things they otherwise would not. So yes, if you have a sick pup or a sickly kind, it’s best to contact the vet once they eat bath bombs. They already have a compromised immune system, so you never know how they will react to something like a bath bomb.

But before you get there, one thing you have to avoid is giving your dog plenty of water after they eat a bath bomb. You can limit water for up to 6 hours. That way, your dog will likely not develop severe side effects.

You see, if you have a canine that loves treats, eating a bath bomb is very likely. The sweet-smelling perfume usually in bath bombs is more likely to make a dog think that they are just as sweet.

Let’s be honest; we’ve all at some point thought that everything that smells nice has a sweet taste. That’s especially true in our early childhood days. And you see, that grown-up furry buddy is much more like a kid.

Bath bombs usually come with sweet-smelling perfumes. So, for a snack-seeking canine, eating a bath bomb thinking it’s a tasty treat is very likely. And when that happens, your poor pup will most of the time have to pay the consequences.

What Happens If a Dog Eats a Bath Bomb?

Much can happen after a dog eats a bath bomb. Different canines will respond differently depending on the amount they took and the chemical composition of the bath bomb. However, what you are likely to witness in your pup is gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea and vomiting.

Gastrointestinal problems are common in dogs. Actually, anything can cause diarrhea and vomiting in dogs, even some of the common foods you can least expect. So, when it comes to something not even close to food, for instance, a bath bomb, these conditions become very likely.

In case of any signs, they will manifest minutes to a few hours after ingestion. Where you don’t notice any after eight hours, perhaps your dog is safe and won’t experience any side effects. Watch stools and ensure that you feed them with a bland diet more.

If any consequences, they are most of the time going to be mild. They will go even without vet visits. However, there are occasions when they don’t. And as we’ve said earlier, when that happens, it’s best to let your dog’s doctor know about it.

Keep in mind that no two dogs are the same, and that’s why their bodies don’t always respond the same way to anything they eat. What doesn’t harm one dog can kill the other.

And by that, I don’t in any way intend to mean that your dog will die from eating a bath bomb. That’s very unlikely. Only keep in mind that much can happen.

At times your dog may be allergic to some of the components in the bath bomb. Where that’s the case, you can expect more severe consequences. However, with proper medical care, your dog will soon get back on its feet.

Are Bath Bombs Toxic To Dogs?

Yes, bath bombs can be toxic to dogs. As said, it’s unlikely that they will kill your lovely Fido. However, they contain a few ingredients that can cause serious health issues in canines when consumed.

And now here comes the questions: what are some of the common ingredients in bath bombs? Which among them are dangerous to canines?

Well, to start off, it’s possible to make your DIY bath bombs. That means these scented spheres don’t all contain the exact ingredients. But obviously, we have a few components that form the basis of all bath bombs.

Let me break it down for you!

There are three main ingredients in bath bombs;

  • Baking soda
  • Citric Acid
  • Cornstarch

Starting with baking soda (or sodium bicarbonate; NaHCO3), it generally isn’t harmful to canines until taken in large quantities. Even so, if possible, try as much as possible not to feed your dog baking soda in whatsoever form. You may not know how your pup’s body will react to it.

Citric acid can also be harmful to canines. In small quantities, this ingredient causes stomach issues in dogs. However, when offered in large amounts, it will result in nervous system depression. So again, just like baking soda, the second ingredient can be dangerous to dogs.

And before we get to the third ingredient, just so you know – these two ingredients are responsible for the fizziness nature of bath bombs. The fizziness comes from the chemical reaction that happens once the baking soda and citric get exposed to water.

And back to the other ingredient, cornstarch isn’t toxic to dogs. Nevertheless, it still can trigger a few digestive issues in some Fidos. In large amounts, cornstarch can cause heat-related illnesses, cancers, and more.

So yes, all the three main ingredients in bath bombs are only dangerous when taken in large quantities. But again, your dog is unique, and you never know what gets birthed when the three combine inside your dog’s body system.

Additionally, bath bombs more often contain Epsom salts, perfumes, and other ingredients. In fact, most of the components that come after the three common ones are neither safe for dogs.

For instance, when your dog eats Epsom salts, or anything containing it, it acts as a laxative. And by that, I mean it will make the GI contents draw more water from the body. That will cause excess fluids in the GI tract, something that can lead to diarrhea.

So yes, the Epsom salts could be the reason your dog has diarrhea after eating a bath bomb. Sure, these salts make for a reliable remedy for pets, but that only works for external use.

Also, the bath bomb isn’t dangerous to dogs only when ingested. Bathing your dog in water that contains this substance can also attract a few health issues. As a pet parent, I believe you already know that dogs can develop problems from some human-safe substances.

Essential oils like lemongrass, cinnamon oil, tea tree, wintergreen, pennyroyal, and citrus oil are toxic to canines. So, before you dip your dog into that bathwater, ensure that the bath bomb doesn’t have these.

Symptoms To Look Out For After Your Dog Ate a Bath Bomb

As aforesaid, much can happen after your dog eats a bath bomb. That will depend on the ingredients used in the making.

Some of the common symptoms you are likely to see in your furry friend include;

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach upset
  • Lethargy
  • Decreased appetite
  • Dehydration
  • Excessive thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Incoordination
  • Seizures
  • Tremors
  • Coma

So yes, what will happen to your dog is basically the side effects of consuming the individual ingredients. They can range from nothing at all to very life-threatening conditions. However, as we’ve said, if you notice any of the above signs, it’s more likely they will be in a mild form.

How To Train Your Dog From Eating Bath Bombs Again?

After all the worry and costs of treating your dog after eating a bath bomb, one thing is sure – you don’t want the same to happen again. Now, to ensure that you and your canine don’t find yourselves in the same situation another time, it’s best to put into place a few preventive measures.

The first surefire way is to keep all bath bombs beyond your dog’s reach. Your lovely pup will likely not learn from the previous occurrence as you may be inclined to think. When their noses again lead them to the sweet-smelling bath bombs, they will find it almost irresistible to have a bite.

Always keep all bath bombs in raised spots that your dog can’t reach. It’s also advisable to place them in one area. For instance, you can consider having them in the bathroom. And one more thing – keep the door locked to keep your canine from sneaking inside.

Again, train your dog on some commands. For instance, teaching the “leave it” command will help prevent your dog from ingesting a bath bomb whenever you spot them just before they do it.

In addition, keep your dog physically and mentally stimulated. Understimulated dogs have more piled up energy and are more likely to walk around in the house seeking trouble. So yes, those morning runs and regular walks will go a long way to keep your canine from ingesting things they shouldn’t.


Bath bombs can be dangerous when ingested by dogs. While they are unlikely to claim the life of your lovely Fido, they can cause gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea and vomiting.

Nevertheless, most of the side effects dogs develop from eating bath bombs go by themselves. If they appear severe, or maybe your dog has an existing illness, see the vet. The doctor will assess the condition of the pup and suggest ways to help restore their health.

Disclaimer: This blog should not be considered as being professional pet medical advice. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. Please always consult with a licensed and local veterinarian for medical advice.

About Shaun Clarke

Shaun is passionate about pets and animals, especially dogs, cats, and rabbits. He owns a dog and a couple of cats too. He loves visiting wildlife sanctuaries and shares a strong bond with animals. When he is not writing, he loves to do a barbecue in the backyard with his family and friends.