My Dog Just Ate a Dead Frog: What to Do?

Dogs have an appetite that is nearly impossible for us to understand. Some dogs will try to chew and eat anything they can find. It is adorable to see your dog trying to chew on a toy or a pillow. However, this habit of theirs can sometimes turn out to be dangerous.

If you have found your dog eating a dead frog, do not panic. Eating a dead frog is unlikely to do any serious harm to your dog. In this article, we have explained what you should do if you ever find that your dog has eaten a dead frog.


What Should You Do If Your Dog Ate a Dead Frog?

It is very important to remain calm if you find your dog eating a dead frog. Here is a step by step guide for what you should be doing if your dog ate a dead frog:

1. Stop Them From Eating It

The very first thing that you should do if you see your dog eating a dead from is to stop them from eating and swallowing more of it. This will ensure that they do not ingest any more toxins.

You can use commands like ‘Stop’ or ‘Drop It’ to ensure that they don’t eat it more. If they don’t know these commands yet, it is time to train them immediately.

2. Don’t Rinse Your Dog’s Mouth

Next, you should refrain from rising our your dog’s mouth. You may think that this will help in reducing the damage, but it can have the opposite effect. Rinsing your dog’s mouth can cause them to swallow toxins or pieces of dead frogs that were left in their mouth.

Instead, you should take a wet cloth and wipe your dog’s mouth and gums gently. Repeat this process multiple times if required. It is not necessary that the frog they ate was poisonous, but cleaning your dog’s mouth will ensure that any possible toxins or poison are not absorbed in your dog’s system.

3. Look Out For Symptoms

The next part of the process is to look out for any symptoms that your dog may exhibit.

Symptoms can range from excessive drooling to salmonella and can show up immediately or over the course of a few days. Further in the article, we have explained which symptoms may arise and how you can manage them!

4. Identify The Type of Frog and Try to Bag It

After you have made sure that your dog is safe, try to identify the type of frog or toad they ate and how much they consumed. This will give you an idea of how much damage has been done.

Additionally, bag the frog or toad if you can. This will turn out to be useful when you take your dog to the veterinarian. The vet will be able to identify whether the frog was poisonous, what symptoms to expect and what treatment to carry out.

5. Consult a Vet

Lastly, consult a veterinarian. If your dog only ate a small portion of the dead frog and does not exhibit any symptoms, there is no cause of concern. But if you notice any severe symptoms and illness, it is best to seek the advice of a vet.

Can a Dead Frog Hurt Your Dog?

Whether a dead frog can hurt your dog entirely depends on the species of the frog and how much of it was consumed by your dog. If you noticed little to no symptoms after your dog ate a dead frog, it is safe to assume that no damage was done.

However, if your dog exhibits symptoms like foaming at the mouth, excessive drooling, change in behavior, stillness, etc they may have eaten a poisonous frog.

Toads and frogs secrete poison from their skin as a defense mechanism. Ingesting this poison can cause problems like salmonella, seizures, parasitic attacks, or even death. So, it is strongly advisable that you identify what kind of frog or toad your dog ate.

Here is how you can identify whether your dog ate a poisonous frog or toad:

  • Firstly, it is important to know that eating dead toads causes a higher risk than eating dead frogs. Moreover, your dog is more likely to eat a toad than a frog. Toads explore the land and may end up in places like your backyard or the sidewalk. On the other hand, frogs are generally found near water bodies.
  • If the animal your dog ate has slimy skin, it is safe to assume that it was a dead frog. If the animal had rough and bumpy skin, it is more likely to be a toad. Further, whether the frog or toad was poisonous or not depends on the species.
  • Since it is very important to identify whether the dead toad or frog was poisonous or not, it is best not to take any chances. You should bag the frog or toad if you can and show it to your veterinarian for identification.

How to Stop Your Dog From Eating Frogs?

Your dog may not have eaten a dead frog out of hunger. Dogs like to chase anything that they can find. They are also very curious by nature. In the case of a dead frog, your dog may have dug it out of the soil, as dogs have a habit of digging.

Of course, the next thing you would want to do is make sure that your dog never eats a dead frog again. There are a few things that you can do to ensure that:

1. Monitor Your Dog

The most obvious step that you can take is to monitor your dog. Do not leave them alone on a walk or near foods that they cannot eat. This way, you also ensure that your dog does not wander anywhere that they are not supposed to.

You can keep your dog on a leash and instruct them not to eat anything that they should not. Or, you can buy a muzzle guard that prevents your dog from biting, chewing, or swallowing any random objects.

2. Train Them Well

Another effective step to prevent your dog from eating anything that they are not supposed to, is to teach them the “Leave it” command. This will also come in handy if your dog has a habit of chewing on things or eating food dropped on the floor or sidewalks.

3. Provide Adequate Food

Although a dog that is given proper care would not have eaten a dead frog out of hunger, it is entirely possible.

So, it is important for you to make sure that you provide adequate nutrition to your dog. You may even want to consult a veterinarian to assure that you give your dog enough food at the proper frequency.

Can Your Dog Get Sick From Eating a Dead Frog?

Yes, it is possible that your dog can get sick from eating a dead frog. Therefore, it is essential that you keep an eye out for symptoms after your dog has eaten a dead frog.

Here are some common symptoms that you can expect:

  • Raised temperature
  • Change in appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive drooling
  • Diarrhea
  • Foaming at the mouth

If your dog exhibits any of the above symptoms immediately after eating the dead frog, do not be alarmed. It is simply the result of your dog’s system trying to expel any toxins.

However, if these symptoms do not go away after a few days, you may want to consult your veterinarian. Additionally, if you notice any of the following symptoms in your dog, it means that the dead frog they ate may be poisonous and causing illness:

  • Shaking
  • Seizures
  • Abnormal heart rhythm
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Collapse
  • Behavioral changes
  • Coughing up blood
  • Nose bleeds
  • Bright red gums
  • Weight loss
  • Accelerated heart rate
  • Unsteady balance
  • Reduced activity levels

It is also possible that the dead frog itself may not be the cause of certain symptoms.

Dead animals carry parasites like lungworms and ringworms that can cause malnutrition even if you take proper care of them. So, it is best to get your dog checked for parasites if they are showing symptoms for long after eating a dead frog.

Can Frogs Cause Dogs to Foam at the Mouth?

Yes, eating dead frogs can cause dogs to foam at the mouth.

In fact, foaming at the mouth is the most common symptom of eating a dead frog or animal. Additionally, it may cause symptoms like swelling around the mouth, excessive drooling, and vomiting.

However, you should not panic if you notice any of these symptoms. These symptoms are simply your dog’s body’s way of getting rid of any toxins that were absorbed.

Your dog may also experience gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea and a change in appetite. These symptoms show that your dog’s body is rejecting the dead frog that they ate.

If you are worried that your dog is showing excessive symptoms for days after eating a dead frog, it is best that you contact your veterinarian.

Are Frogs Poisonous to Dogs?

Some species of frogs and toads are poisonous to dogs. However, it is not suitable for dogs to eat any frogs or toads, even if they are a non-poisonous species.

Eating dead frogs can cause a number of problems for dogs, including long-term illnesses like anemia and organ failure. Dead animals may also carry parasites that can weaken your dog’s health and cause malnutrition.

Moreover, the poison from frogs can cause many side effects like foaming at the mouth, seizures, disorientation, etc. If you do not attend to the symptoms that your dog exhibits after eating a dead frog, it can have devastating consequences including death.

Conclusion: Can Dogs Eat Frogs?

No, dogs cannot eat frogs regardless of them being dead or alive.

You should have three main motives after your dog eats a dead frog. Firstly, you should try to reduce any further harm by preventing your dog from eating or swallowing more toxins. Then, you should assess how much damage has been done i.e how much of the dead frog your dog ate and whether it was poisonous or not.

Lastly, the best course of action is to consult your veterinarian. They will be able to inspect the kind of frog your animal ate, which symptoms to look out for, and how to treat the side effects and illnesses that may show up.

Disclaimer: This blog should not be considered as being professional pet medical advice. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. Please always consult with a licensed and local veterinarian for medical advice.

About Shaun Clarke

Shaun is passionate about pets and animals, especially dogs, cats, and rabbits. He owns a dog and a couple of cats too. He loves visiting wildlife sanctuaries and shares a strong bond with animals. When he is not writing, he loves to do a barbecue in the backyard with his family and friends.