My Dog Ate a Tic Tac: What Should I Do?

If you’re somewhat like me, then a box of Tic Tacs is one thing that never misses in your car. We don’t just eat them because they are tasty – these mouth-refreshing mints spark multiple fresh connections in our interactions with other people.

You love Tic Tacs. They even have become a staple thing in your daily trips. You can’t go anywhere without them. And as usual, you had your box of Tic Tacs already in the car. And even more exciting, this time you also had your Fido. You were looking forward to a great trip.

However, as you were busy focusing on the road, you can’t tell how your canine found its way into your box of Tic Tacs. You saw that when it was too late. You aren’t sure how to act. Well, read on for this if your dog ate a tic tac!


What Should You Do If Your Dog Ate a Tic-Tac?

No matter the kind of Tic Tacs your dog ate, it’s good to let the vet know about it. You might have heard several pet owners say that some variety of Tic Tacs isn’t bad for dogs, which of course, is somewhat true.

However, when it comes to matters of health, it’s best not to see your dog like any other. Maybe the Tic Tacs your dog ate won’t cause them trouble, but you can’t presume that’s how things are going to turn out. So yes, play safe by getting in touch with the vet.

Once you notify the dog doctor, they will likely want to know the type of Tic Tacs and the quantity your dog ate. Using this data and the background health information of your dog, the doctor will advise on the way forward.

And so, does it mean that Tic Tacs are harmful to dogs?

Now, this question doesn’t have a straightforward “Yes” or “No” answer as one may expect. We advise that you keep following to find out!

Are Tic Tacs toxic to dogs?

While not all Tic Tacs can be toxic to dogs, they are all dangerous to our furry friends. Quite confusing, right? Well, it doesn’t have to be – let us break it down for you!

We have two types of Tic Tacs. We have the Tic Tac candies and the Tic Tac gums. They are all great, but they don’t contain the exact ingredients.

For instance, the candy type doesn’t have Xylitol, a sugar substitute usually found in sugar-free items like chewing gum, baked goods, dietary supplements, cookies, toothpaste, and more. As such, when your dog consumes the Tic Tac candies, you don’t need to worry about Xylitol poisoning.

However, that’s not the case for Tic Tac gums. This variety of human treats contains this type of dog poison. That means if we are talking about your dog eating Tic Tac gums, then that poses a grave danger for them. Failure to take action immediately can mean losing your adorable pet.

But again, the worry isn’t only for Xylitol. All Tic Tacs are just the right size to become a potential choking hazard to your doggo. That’s another reason to be worried whenever your canine finds its way into your box of Tic Tacs.

So, Tic Tacs can be toxic, owing to harmful substances like Xylitol. The danger part comes in because they all are small and easy to choke on. So yes, there’s always a cause for alarm every time your snack-seeking dog eats these human treats.

What Does a Tic Tac Contain That Might Be Harmful To Your Dog?

What poses the greatest danger in Tic Tacs is Xylitol, sugar alcohol present in sugar-less treats.

Doses of >0.1g/kg put your dog at the risk of developing hypoglycemia. However, it will only take as little as 500mg of Xylitol to sicken an average-sized dog. For a smaller dog, or a canine already experiencing other medical conditions, it can take much less than that.

The other ingredient in Tic Tacs that’s dangerous for dogs is the high sugar content. A typical box of Tic Tacs containing 38 candies has about 18.5 grams of sugar. The packet may look too small for that amount, but that’s what it contains.

Your canine may not eat the whole box of Tic Tacs. However, even small amounts of these treats contain a lot of sugar for your furry friend. It may take a much less amount of sugar than you expect to cause issues in your dog, especially if your furry friend has other health issues.

What Happens If My Dog Has Eaten Tic Tac?

What to expect after your dog eats Tic Tacs depends on a few factors – the type of Tic Tacs, the amount taken, the weight of the pup, the health status of your canine, and many more.

The Type of Tic Tacs

About the type of Tic Tacs, we’ve already seen that the regular variety doesn’t contain Xylitol. That means it doesn’t pose as much threat to canines as the other type. It still can harm your dog, but that will come from something different other than Xylitol.

When a dog consumes the Tic Tac gums containing Xylitol, you can expect signs of Xylitol poisoning to manifest as quickly as within 10 minutes after ingestion. The severity of the conditions will depend on the level of toxicity.

After a dog eats Tic Tacs containing Xylitol, this sugar substitute triggers the oversecretion of insulin. Consequently, the hormone reduces the level of glucose in your dog’s blood to abnormally low levels.

That means the side effects associated with Xylitol poisoning are actually the manifestations of low blood sugar. And unless you act immediately, this toxin can kill your Fido. Yes, even the seemingly small amounts can claim the life of a big pet.

The Amount Taken

Large intakes are likely to attract more severe consequences. Both Xylitol and sugar become more dangerous as their levels increase in your canine’s body. As for Xylitol, we already know what it can do, so no need to go back there.

On the other hand, sugar causes diarrhea and vomiting in our furry friends. Likely, you won’t notice any of these when your dog takes a small amount of Tic Tacs. However, the certainty of the two happening increases with the growth of sugar intake levels.

Again, too much sugar can increase the chances of your dog putting on more weight. It isn’t going to happen the first time, nor the second, but your canine eating Tic Tacs, again and again, will eventually lead to obesity.

The Weight of Your Dog

After your canine takes a harmful substance, what will happen can partly be dictated by their weight. Signs of toxicity more likely manifest in smaller dogs than in larger ones, of course holding every other factor constant.

As such, diarrhea, vomiting, and other side effects of Tic Tac consumption are more likely to show up in smaller dogs than in larger ones.

Health Status of Your Canine

Sickly dogs face more severe consequences once they take Tic Tacs. Canines suffering from conditions such as diabetes need a meticulous level of care.

Actually, even the smallest doses of things like Tic Tacs can result in life-threatening consequences in dogs with underlying medical conditions.

Symptoms To Look For After Your Dog Eats a Tic Tac

At the beginning of this article, we stated that no two dogs are the same. What that means is, the symptoms I may see in my dog after eating Tic Tacs don’t have to be exact of what you will see in your canine.

But that’s not to say that there aren’t any common symptoms after dogs eat Tic Tacs. We have several of them. They include;

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Decreased activity
  • Seizures
  • Incoordination
  • Staggering
  • Blood in stool
  • Restlessness
  • Death

The signs may appear as quickly as in 10 minutes. At times it may take up to 24 hours before you notice any of them. But again, you don’t have to see any, but that will happen where the toxicity level isn’t too high.

How To Prevent Your Dog From Eating a Tic Tac Again?

After your canine receives the proper medical care and is back to its normal state, it’s wise to do all it takes to keep it from happening again. You want your dog happy and healthy, so do everything it takes to keep them from eating Tic Tacs or any other potentially harmful substance.

The most reliable way to prevent your dog from eating Tic Tacs is to keep these treats beyond their reach. If possible, store your Tic Tacs in the kitchen cabinet or any storage unit far from your dog’s access. If it means keeping them in a much-locked space, then so be it.

And other than that, there are a few measures you will also find helpful;

Keep Your Dog Well-Fed

Hunger may prompt your dog to eat things they are not supposed to eat. These furry friends feel hungry in the same way we do, so it’s good you keep your pet well-fed. Create a feeding routine and stick to it.

Make Sure Your Dog is Getting Enough Exercise

Exercise contributes a great deal in keeping your Fido from eating bad stuff. It will also keep them from going after anything that might harm their health. With a physically active dog, there’s a lesser chance of them getting into trouble.

Train Your Canine

Teaching your dog instructions like “leave it” will go a long way to prevent them from getting into trouble. With that command, you can most of the time stop your dog from eating a Tic Tac or something else potentially dangerous.


While the regular Tic Tacs may not kill your dog, they are not worth giving to your four-legged furry friend. Their size makes them a potential choking hazard. Again, they contain high amounts of sugar, and that can affect your canine, especially in the long haul. Finally, they don’t offer any nutritional value whatsoever, meaning they won’t benefit your dog in any way.

Disclaimer: This blog should not be considered as being professional pet medical advice. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. Please always consult with a licensed and local veterinarian for medical advice.

About Shaun Clarke

Shaun is passionate about pets and animals, especially dogs, cats, and rabbits. He owns a dog and a couple of cats too. He loves visiting wildlife sanctuaries and shares a strong bond with animals. When he is not writing, he loves to do a barbecue in the backyard with his family and friends.