10 Exotic Birds With Pink Wings (+Pics)

When it comes to birds, there are a variety of species that showcase beautiful and unique colors. One color that stands out is pink, especially when it comes to their wings.

While not all birds have pink wings, there are several species that do, and they are truly a sight to behold. Here, we’ve compiled a list of 10 birds with pink wings that are sure to catch your eye.

These birds come in all shapes and sizes, from flamingos to parrots, but they all have one thing in common: their stunning pink wings. Some species use their pink wings as a way to attract mates, while others use them as a form of protection or camouflage in their environment.

Regardless of the reason, these birds are a true testament to the beauty and diversity found in the animal kingdom.

Whether you’re a bird enthusiast or appreciate the beauty of nature, learning about these 10 birds with pink wings is sure to be a treat. So, without further ado, let’s dive in and discover some of the most stunning and unique birds the world offers.


List of 10 Birds With Pink Wings

1. Flamingo

Flamingos are known for their bright pink feathers and long, slender legs. They are found in many parts of the world, including Africa, South America, and the Caribbean. Flamingos are social birds and can often be found in large flocks.

One of the most unique things about flamingos is the way they feed. They use their beaks to filter small organisms, like algae and shrimp, out of the water. Flamingos are also known for their distinctive mating dances, which involve a lot of head bobbing and wing flapping.

Flamingos are an important part of many ecosystems, as they help to control the populations of small organisms in the water. They are also a popular sight for tourists and birdwatchers, who come worldwide to see these beautiful birds in action.

2. Roseate Spoonbill

The Roseate Spoonbill is a beautiful bird with pink wings that can be found in the wetlands of the southern United States, Central America, and South America. These birds are easily recognizable by their bright pink plumage and long, flat bills that resemble spoons. Here are some interesting facts about the Roseate Spoonbill:

  • They are one of six species of spoonbill in the world.
  • They get their pink color from the foods they eat, which include small fish, shrimp, and other aquatic invertebrates.
  • They are social birds and can often be found in large flocks.
  • They build their nests in trees or shrubs near water and lay 2-5 eggs at a time.

The Roseate Spoonbill is an important part of the ecosystem in wetland areas. They help control populations of fish and other aquatic animals, and their nesting sites provide habitat for other bird species.

Unfortunately, their populations have declined in some areas due to habitat loss and degradation. Conservation efforts are underway to protect these beautiful birds and their habitats.

3. Rosy Bee-eater

By https://www.flickr.com/photos/francesco_veronesi/ – https://www.flickr.com/photos/francesco_veronesi/16011113879, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=38153884

The Rosy Bee-eater is a small bird with pink wings that belongs to the Meropidae family. It is found in various parts of Asia, including India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. The Rosy Bee-eater is known for its unique coloration and its ability to catch bees and other flying insects in mid-air.

The Rosy Bee-eater has a distinctive pink coloration on its wings, which is complemented by a greenish-blue head and back, and a yellow throat and breast. The bird is about 20 cm in length and has a wingspan of around 30 cm. It has a slender, curved bill that is well-suited for catching insects.

Rosy Bee-eaters are migratory birds that breed in large colonies during the summer months. They build their nests in burrows that they dig in sandy banks or cliffs.

The female lays 2-3 eggs, which are incubated by both parents for around 20 days. Once the chicks hatch, they are fed by both parents until they are ready to leave the nest.

Common NameScientific NameWingspan
Rosy Bee-eaterMerops malimbicus30 cm

The Rosy Bee-eater is an important part of many ecosystems, as it helps to control populations of bees and other flying insects. It is also a popular bird for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts, who enjoy seeing its unique coloration and watching it catch insects in mid-air.

4. Pink-throated Twinspot

The Pink-throated Twinspot is a small passerine bird that is native to Africa. It is known for its striking pink wings and pink throat. The male and female birds have different coloration, with the male having a brighter pink throat and darker wings.

These birds are typically found in forested areas and are known for their distinctive calls. They are often seen in pairs or small groups and feed on a variety of seeds and insects.

The Pink-throated Twinspot is a popular bird for birdwatchers and is often kept as a pet. They require a specialized diet and environment, so it is important to do research before considering keeping one as a pet.

5. Pink-necked Green Pigeon

The Pink-necked Green Pigeon is a medium-sized bird that can be found in Southeast Asia. The bird gets its name from its pink neck and wings, which are a beautiful shade of pink. The Pink-necked Green Pigeon is a popular bird among birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts because of its unique appearance and behavior.

The Pink-necked Green Pigeon is a primarily frugivorous bird, which means it feeds mainly on fruits such as figs, berries, and other soft fruits. The bird is known for its ability to swallow fruits whole, which it can do because of its wide gape. The bird is also known for its distinctive call, which is a series of soft coos that can be heard from a distance.

The Pink-necked Green Pigeon is a social bird that can be found in small groups or pairs. The bird is known for its courtship behavior, which involves the male bird puffing up its feathers and bobbing its head to attract a mate. The female bird will then inspect the male’s feathers and behavior before choosing a mate.

The Pink-necked Green Pigeon is a beautiful bird with a unique appearance and behavior. Its pink wings and neck make it stand out from other birds, and its frugivorous diet and courtship behavior make it an interesting bird to observe. If you’re a birdwatcher or nature enthusiast, the Pink-necked Green Pigeon is definitely a bird to look out for.

6. Pink-headed Warbler

The Pink-headed Warbler is a small bird that is native to Central America. It is known for its bright pink head and wings, which make it a popular bird for birdwatchers to spot. Here are some interesting facts about this beautiful bird:

  • The Pink-headed Warbler is found in the high-altitude pine and oak forests of Mexico and Central America.
  • It is a relatively small bird, measuring only about 4.5 inches in length.
  • The male Pink-headed Warbler has a bright pink head, while the female has a duller pink head.
  • Both males and females have pink wings, which are a distinctive feature of this bird.
  • The Pink-headed Warbler feeds on insects and spiders, which it finds by searching through the foliage of trees and shrubs.
  • During breeding season, the male Pink-headed Warbler will perform a courtship display by spreading its wings and tail feathers and hopping around the female.

The Pink-headed Warbler is a beautiful and unique bird that is a must-see for any birdwatcher traveling to Central America. Its bright pink head and wings make it easy to spot, and its unique behaviors and habitat make it an interesting subject for study.

7. Pink-breasted Fruit Dove


The Pink-breasted Fruit Dove is a small, plump bird that is native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia. It is known for its striking pink wings and breast, which make it a popular choice for bird enthusiasts and photographers alike.

These birds are typically found in pairs or small groups, and they feed on a variety of fruits and berries. They are also known to eat insects and other small invertebrates.

The Pink-breasted Fruit Dove is a shy and elusive bird, and it can be difficult to spot in the wild. However, birdwatchers who are patient and persistent may be rewarded with a glimpse of this beautiful bird.

8. Pink-billed Parrotfinch

Pink-billed Parrotfinch

The Pink-billed Parrotfinch is a small bird species that is native to the South Pacific islands. These birds are known for their beautiful pink wings and pink bills, which make them easy to spot in their natural habitats. They are also popular among bird enthusiasts and collectors due to their unique appearance and charming personalities.

Pink-billed Parrotfinches are typically found in forests and woodlands, where they feed on various types of seeds and fruits.

They are known for their social behavior and often form large flocks with other birds of their species. These flocks can be seen flying around in search of food or perching on tree branches and other structures.

One interesting fact about Pink-billed Parrotfinches is that they are monogamous birds, meaning that they mate for life. They build their nests in tree hollows or other suitable locations, and the female lays a clutch of 2-4 eggs. The male and female take turns incubating the eggs and caring for the young until they are ready to leave the nest.

Overall, the Pink-billed Parrotfinch is a fascinating and beautiful bird species that is well worth observing in the wild or in captivity. Their pink wings and bills make them stand out from other birds, and their social behavior and monogamous mating habits make them even more interesting to study.

9. Pink-rumped Rosefinch

The Pink-rumped Rosefinch is a small bird with a bright pink rump and wings. It is native to the Himalayas and can be found at high elevations in Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Tibet. The male has a bright pink rump, while the female has a duller pink color.

The Pink-rumped Rosefinch is a social bird and can often be seen in flocks of up to 50 individuals. They feed on seeds, berries, and insects and can be found in a variety of habitats, including alpine meadows, scrubland, and forest edges.

The Pink-rumped Rosefinch is a beautiful bird with a unique pink coloration. It is a popular bird for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts to spot in the wild.

10. Pink-footed Goose

The Pink-footed Goose is a medium-sized goose that breeds in Iceland and Greenland, and winters in Northern Europe. It is named for its distinctive pink feet, which are bright pink in color. The Pink-footed Goose is a sociable bird and is often seen in large flocks, especially during the winter months.

The Pink-footed Goose has a dark head and neck with a pale grey-brown body. Its bill is pink and black, and its legs are pink. The Pink-footed Goose feeds on grasses, sedges, and other vegetation, as well as insects and small invertebrates.

The Pink-footed Goose is a popular bird among birdwatchers, and is often seen in nature reserves and other protected areas. Its distinctive pink feet make it easy to identify, even at a distance.

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About Shaun Clarke

Shaun is passionate about pets and animals, especially dogs, cats, and rabbits. He owns a dog and a couple of cats too. He loves visiting wildlife sanctuaries and shares a strong bond with animals. When he is not writing, he loves to do a barbecue in the backyard with his family and friends.